The Townspeople of Sandcastle, California

Sandcastle, California is a small fictional city outside the metro area of Santa Rosa, California. It is located approximately 30 miles west of Santa Rosa somewhere between Salmon Creek and Goat Rock. It extends inland to a fictional forest area between Jenner to Occidental to Salmon Creek.

Many of the inhabitants of Sandcastle have been there for generations while other people move out to retire from Santa Rosa or San Francisco. When people moved west for the Gold Rush, they would be tempted to stay in the forest, but would disappear or unexpectedly die from natural causes. To this day, the forest remains although attempts to harvest the trees are a continuous threat. The forest seems to protect its own.

There are several popular beaches around Sandcastle including a couple of towns. Since the Sandcastle beach has a reputation of pulling people in with the undertow, travelers usually avoid this beach and continue on to the next one. New vacationers do arrive and usually stay at the Beach Rock hotel that overlooks the coast from the highest point of the Sandcastle beach. The hotel is a very large mansion converted into a bed and breakfast by one of the oldest residents of the city. The Miller family has owned the house since its inception and will never sell it. Once old Mildred Miller dies, the house will be given to her son Randolph. It is rumored the Miller mansion was built upon and old Indian burial ground. The natives had migrated from the area due to constant famine and disease. The coastal area wasn’t warm enough and moving inland was sure death so the tribes moved on leaving it available to future settlers.

Along the beach you’ll find Tiger’s Snack Shack, a place that seems to be open 24/7 365 days per year. Tiger, a name given to the owner during his teenage years, will sell just about anything to anyone at any time of the day as long as he has it in stock.


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