Creepy Neighbors in Sandcastle, California!

Hello, my friends. My website has been having problems lately and I apologize for the delay in emails. Did you miss me? I’ve missed you!

I believe it is all fixed now and if you are receiving this message then it should be. I do hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast. If you watch the youtube video you’ll see I’ve been working on a game for Sandcastle. It’s more of cosplay hangout place, but I think we might have fun there. If you would like to support the game and get special perks and merchandise related to the game, please consider starting a Patreon account and supporting Sandcastle at Accounts at the $5 level and above will get exclusive access.

If you do play Second Life, stop by and see what I’ve been doing. I only have two plots right now and I’m slowly adding fun things to do. In the future I hope to have a whole island (section) of my own with a layout of the whole town including a carnival area, the beach, the coffee shop and stores, along with all of the other Sandcastle places. I will be designing costumes for people to wear that will resemble the characters that people can either buy for the whole game or rent while on the island as well as fun party night. Each story will have its own area to enjoy the scenery and it will also be a living comic type of story where, when I tell the stories on YouTube, there will be animated action fun! There is so much I can do, but I also need the time and definitely need to get funding for it. The island is free for game players to visit.

I am excited to bring this all to you. It is really all made possible by the Patreon members and when you listen to the podcast. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!

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