The Halloween Costume Tailor Trilogy by Spooky Boo Rhodes


Come with me and join the world of Sandcastle. Tonight’s episode on Spooky Boo’s Creepypasta and True Scary Stories podcast is a trilogy of short stories written by Spooky Boo about a devious gypsy who sells unusual Halloween costumes to unsuspecting customers. Little do they know their costumes are made out of special material that he crafted himself out of rare skin. Yes, rare skin indeed! Listen to The Halloween Costume Tailor Trilogy.

This Saturday the 16th of October at 9 PM Pacific on YouTube and at 10:00 PM on KOFY TV 20 in the San Francisco Bay Area I will a guest on my favorite show Creature Features. As such the YouTube Live show will be a premiere instead of live on that night so I can be ready for the show. Find out where you can see this fun event at

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Enjoy tonight’s episode!



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