Creepy Crawlies | A Terrifying Trilogy by Spooky Author Boo Rhodes

Creepy Crawlies are Spooky!

What is it about scary stories about creepy crawly monsters that makes your skin crawl? For many, it is the idea that something rather frightening might just crawl into your nose or mouth or even worse, under your skin! The idea that a monster made of garbage can invade your brain by crawling up your nose or a spider bite can manifest into an oozing blister that eats away at your skin and muscle gives many people the creeps.

The first available trilogy from Sandcastle, California is about these creepy, crawly monsters. These three stories may keep you up at night if you ever think about something crawling around between your sheets while you sleep!

These scary stories are available on both Amazon as a Kindle format or on the Scary Story Time podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or iHeartRadio and many other popular podcasts.

Scary Story Time Volume One: Creepy Crawlies

Scary Story Time Volume One: Creepy Crawlies includes 3 disturbing stories that you might want to avoid reading before you clean out that garbage disposal or buy a unique item from your local thrift store.


A group of boys playing baseball accidentally break a window to what seems to be an abandoned trailer sitting by the ballpark. They convince one of the friends to go inside and retrieve the ball even if the owner screams at him, but what he comes out with is far worse than any bruised ego. They all go home and after his mother notices a few blisters that resemble pox marks she has a chickenpox party with the boys. What comes next is the unthinkable and horrifically devastating ending to a fun pizza party.


Do you know what the slimey goo is sitting inside of your kitchen pipes? The owner of this home really wanted to know for it seemed to be alive and growing. Despite the constant plumbing problems that no one could ever fix in her home, she takes on the sludge in the kitchen sink only to realize that maybe it’s not just garbage, but maybe it’s alive and very hungry!

Cat’s Paw

Have you ever been to a thrift shop where an item speaks to you and you must buy it? This shopper did. He could hear it speaking to him from the street! He had to have the unusual and very old cat’s paw keychain that beckoned him, but at what cost? Only a few dollars or his very soul?

This first set of stories is perfect for any adult or even teens if you allow your kids to read scary stories!