A Score to Settle by Spooky Boo

Good evening. It’s Spooky Boo coming to you from the shores of Sandcastle, California on the radio waves of KSND: The sound of the sea. Tonight I bring to you a new story in the continuing saga of Sandcastle. Starting now, every week I bring to you a story out of the world of Sandcastle. Stories about the residents that will terrify you and make you yearn for the mystical world of this quaint little Northern California town. These horror stories written by Spooky Boo are found on this podcast. If you would like to listen to more stories told by Spooky Boo but written by others, visit my other podcast at www.creepypastascarystories.com.

Tonight I have for you two creepy stories about Timmy Statton. Do you remember Timmy? The boy who was taken away by the military due to his curious behavior at the ballpark? If not, then go listen to or read the story Blister.

The first story, Can Timmy Come Out to Play was one of my first stories about Sandcastle written back in 2016. I had no text for the story as I adlibbed the prose for YouTube. Back then I wasn’t podcasting yet. The copy was so terrible sounding that I’m remastering it today and continuing on with the story of Timothy Statton.

These stories would not be possible without the support of my listeners and Patrons. I’d like to thank all of you including Patrons 933TheVolt, BubbleSlayer, Ivy Iverson, madjoe, Oliver, and P.A. Nightmares. If you would like to get the podcast commercial-free and support Spooky Boo’s Scary Story Time podcasts including the works of Spooky Boo in Sandcastle and the Creepypasta True Scary Stories podcast, visit my Patreon page at www.spookyboo.club.

I’d like to invite you to watch Creature Features with me on Saturday nights on YouTube. We love watching the horror host Vincent Van Dahl interview fun guests while Mr. Livingston puts up with Tangella’s shenanigans. Find out your show time at www.creaturefeatures.tv.

Now let’s begin…

Story Number One

Can Timmy Come Out to Play?

Sometimes mental illness can be deadly and bring out the bully in you. Listen to the story of Timmy. When Timmy Staton was a young boy, something went terribly wrong when he was taken by the military whose medical teams removed the venom of genetically altered spiders was removed from his system. Since then, his life has been a living hell.

These are just two of Timmy’s stories from Sandcastle, California. The first story is one I wrote many years ago. In fact, it’s an adlib story that I just came with while podcasting. Poor Timmy.

Here I sit listening to the same music I do every night while trying to avoid little Timmy. You see, Timmy has been coming around here for quite some time. He really enjoys picking on the other neighbor kids. I’m one of the kids he picks on. Usually, I just go hide when he comes out to play. He’s mean, very very mean.

Timmy never gives a break to any of the kids around here. The first time he came out to play I was asleep, but I heard about everything. He started throwing rocks at the other kids; Not little pebbles, these were sharp rocks. They hurt! Several kids went home bleeding and crying when their parents came out but Timmy hid. I was awake by then but I just shrugged. I didn’t know what they were talking about because I wasn’t around. When they asked, I just said I didn’t do it because I didn’t.

Then, just the other day, Timmy played a practical joke on one of the kids. He lit a paper bag on fire that had dog poop in it. I was around for that one. I watched as a kid tried to stomp it out and then his leg caught on fire. Timmy laughed as the fire burned up the kid’s leg and into his sweater. One of the teachers grabbed the kid and rolled him around on the ground. The poor kid was in too much shock to tell the teacher what happened and to this day still hasn’t. Timmy got away with that one.

He won’t get away with it forever. One day I’ll tell on him, one day. There have been other times that Timmy hurt the other kids. He likes to throw things at them and knock them out. Sometimes he even hits him in the face or in the groin but no one will tell on him because they’re too scared of him. But I hear the rumors. I hear they’re more frightened of Timmy’s dad than anything. When Timmy’s dad comes out, they all go running and Timmy hides. I heard his dad yell at him a lot. I hate it when he does that because Timmy’s dad is violent. Really violent.

When Timmy gets yelled at he cuts himself, and it hurts. He cuts me, too. He gets out the razor blades and starts to cut slowly into my arms. I cry out and I asked him to stop but he never does. Sometimes he even goes deeper when I cry until I pass out then when I awake there’s blood everywhere, but by that time it has already dried up and it hurts so bad. I wash it up so no one will see, but it’s there the hot burning pain of slashed flesh reminds me that Timmy can come out to play any time he wants. I tried to tell my mother about that bully but she didn’t believe me.

I just walk right past me and other kids, and when they do I can hear Timmy laughing like he’s right there next to me. He laughs and I cry out loud. I go to my room I fall asleep but I when I wake up, I know that Timmy has been around because my room is such a big mess in the morning. My clothes will be tossed around everywhere and when my mom goes into the room she scolds me from making such a mess and Timmy just laughs at me.

When I get too upset, his dad gets mad and starts hurting Timmy. He hurts him bad, really bad and sometimes I can feel it when I sleep. I can feel my head hitting the wall or the burning as a stove fire burns my arm. I have so many marks from Timmy and his dad fighting.

Please, I beg,  just let me just shrink up into a ball and cry while it’s happening I really don’t know what to do. I’m trapped when I fight. I’m stuck in a dirty little hole just watching as they abuse each other and me, then when Timmy can’t take any more he cries and whines. His screeching in my head is almost unbearable. I shut my eyes closed until the tears come while he cries and his dad swears at him. He curses and calls him horrible, awful names until Timmy just falls asleep and then goes quiet for a short time.

Nothing happens then until Timmy’s dad comes back around and that is when the real horror begins. When his dad comes out, I hide deeper inside. He’s evil. Horrible. I tried to stay awake once to see what happens but it’s frightening to watch. One time, while Timmy hid deep inside the crevice of my mind, he came out and we walked over to the neighbor’s house. I watched as he broke into the house. The neighbor had been had so mean to Timmy that day and even though his dad is really mean to him, he protects him.

This neighbor yelled at Timmy and slapped him. When Timmy told his
dad, his dad called him a few names and used it to take revenge. This is
from the horror begins. I watched in silence as he’d broken in the neighbor’s
house and quietly tied the neighbor up as he slept he then put a pillow over his
face as a man glared at us he would try to get out of it but Timmy’s dad is
extremely strong and held the pillow over the guy’s head. as he kicked and
tried to get the cords off his wrist loose I cried while the life drained
from man’s eyes, my tears were hot but I couldn’t feel them.

Timmy’s dad felt them and he scolded me not to be such a big baby. Then the wife came in and before she could scream in horror Timmy’s dad punched her so hard that she passed out.

He seemed to almost feel sorry for her but then beat her until she no longer
breathed. That was the last time I watched Timmy’s dad do anything horrible. When he comes out I hide and pretend I’m asleep. I don’t want to see the horror. I don’t want to watch the death around me. Wait…shh..I hear someone coming.

“Are you ready to play again?”

Story Number 2

A Score to Settle

The pink hue of the sunset on the horizon reminded Joey of the cotton candy his father bought him at the fair. Those were the days, when he didn’t have a care in the world except if he would have to decide between the blueberry or strawberry of melted sugar streamed around a cardboard tube. Timmy, Joey, and their parents loved the fair back then. They were happier days. This was before those horrible little spiders.

Joey rocked himself back and forth with his arms holding his knees up to his cheat as he tapped the back of his head against the wall. He watched the sunset fade through the dirty glass of the tinted window as the memories of the last night fair he ever attended flooded his thoughts.

He knew he was safe behind these walls which is why he never left, but then on nights like these, he didn’t know what to do. On Nights like these, when he was so tired from staying up for days at a time, he would finally sleep. When he slept, the dreams of his demented father and brother haunted him along with the little spiders that took his freedom away.

As he watched the dusk turn into night, he heard the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The sounds of life in Sandcastle faded off into the fog as it rolled in and covered the streets. Joey’s eyelids grew heavy in the dark until finally, he dropped into a deep sleep.

”Oh Joey, wake up!” a boy’s voice crackled into the night.

”Shut up, you’ll wake him!” a disembodied man’s voice bellowed from the same room from where Joey slept. He’s been pushing us off for years with those meds and we finally have him down.

Joey shuffled in his sleep with his mouth wide open and drool pooling into a puddle beneath his lips. As he absently started to wipe the drool from his chin in his sleep, two clouds of white fog blew from his lips and into the room beside the bed. Joey stirred for a moment, coughing from the wetness of the fog then mumbled something like, “Please don’t hurt them.”

A giggle came from the smaller ball of white fog as it began to stretch into a longer shape,  whipping around in the air.

”Not yet!” the other ball demanded in a deep voice. You’ll fuck this up like always.”

”What’s wrong, dad? No cigarette to burn my non-existent body with?”

”Just wait you little shit. We’ll be in human form soon enough.”

Joey stirred in his sleep again, this time starting to whimper.

”If I didn’t think he’d take me with him, I’d kill that fucking kid.” the man said in a voice that made the wall shake.

Both clouds slipped underneath the door and obtained full human form on the other side. The larger cloud, now a muscular man of about 6’2” with tattoos depicting horror scenes from one movie or another stretched and groaned like he’d been asleep for hours. The other cloud formed into a shorter teen boy with a similar build but with cropped hair. Obviously related, the man slapped the kid on the back. ”Indeed,” he let out a laugh and stretched his arms again. “I forgot what it was like to feel real air on my skin, boy!”

”What the hell is going on, pop?” the boy said as he mimicked his father’s stretch.

”I don’t know, kid, but in this fucked up world of your brother’s imagination, anything is possible.”

”I’m so confused. One second I’m attacked by little spiders then my skin is burning and now I’m walking down the hall of…what the hell is this place?”

”God Timmy, do I have to spell everything out to you? This was always your problem. You’re too damn stupid to be alone. See, Joey has it right. He was never stupid and that is why you ended up dead and not him.”

Timmy looked up at his dad, tears burning in his eyes. “What did you say?”

”What did ya think happened all of those years ago, Tim?”

”I…I don’t know? I woke up and I was trapped in his head like a lab rat making him do funny stuff to other kids.”

Timmy’s dad stopped in front of him and put his hands roughly on his shoulders then looked him square in the eyes. “Your brother, the little shit, murdered us. You were taken to that lab after the spiders infected you with whatever that vemon was and you changed boy. You don’t remember anything? Setting the house on fire and your brother running like a bitch instead of saving his own family?”

The feeling of hot fire began to burn up Timmy’s arms. He looked down at his hands as the fingers burst into flames and his arms turned an ash gray. He remembered pressing the coal into Timmy’s arm just like he and his dad did for years but the smell of lighter fluid burst into his face along with the flames from his smoldering cigarette. “Help me, dad!” Hot tears fell on his cheeks as he cried.

”Oh knock it off, would you? You can control it now, dumbshit. Why can’t you be smart like your brother?”

Timmy closed his eyes and thought about the cool waters of Sandcastle Beach as the flames fizzled off of his fingers. ”Holy shit, it works!”

“You just learn how to control it and we’ll figure out the rest. That boy needs a beating but so does this stupid town for allowing it to happen. That Sheriff needs his ass kicked more than anything,”  Tyler Statton said as he punched the wall.

Someone punched back on the other side.

”Let’s test this, boy,” Tyler groaned as he turned into a puff of smoke and Timmy followed, both moving under the crack of the door and into the small white room.

Lying on the bed was a big man, taller and larger than Tyler at least from what they could see. He was in a white straight jacket that wrapped around his arms and torso while his legs were cuffed to the bed. At the crown of his head was his hair matted in what looked like blood next to a red smudge on the wall.

“Ross, you old goat, what got you in here?” Tyler snorted out a laugh and unbuckled the shackles around the man’s ankles.

”You’re dead, man! You and the shit kid of yours next to you. Nurse! What kind of drugs are you fucking me up with tonight?” Ross yelled.

”Want to get out of here?” Tyler nodded toward the door.

”I s’pose if you can unhook my ankles then you can unbuckle this stupid straight jacket.”

”How did you end up in here, man? You’re in a mental ward. You used to be so cool.”

Ross rolled his eyes and shrugged. “I suppose they’ll just think I’m talking to myself anyway. I might as well tell you. A lot has changed since you died, old pal. Really weird shit, more than normal. Some strange guy with this hot chick moved up to the Miller place then Judy’s mom died and she disappeared then her house was sold to some demon.”

”Demon? Really?” the boy standing in the corner laughed.

”Yeah, demon. Just like you guys or maybe you’re ghosts or whatever. Lots of fucked up stuff going on around here. I watched that demon and that butcher’s dead daughter murder her dad right in the Paulson house while I was working for the dude. I was his driver and when I started talkin about what happened and demanding people listen they locked me up in here, drug me every night, and put me in a straight jacket when I try to get out or misbehave. I guess they can’t handle me. Sometimes I get the padded room. It ain’t so bad in there though. At least I’m not tied up like a dog or worried about that demon man coming after me.”

”Tonight’s your lucky night, Ross. I’m going to get you out of here and you’re going to do me a little favor a few rooms down then we can all go escape.”

”What’cha need, boss?” Ross understood the chain of command in the old gang. Tyler Statton was no one to cross. Ever.

”You know my boy’s in here, right?” Tyler said as he unbuckled the straight jacket the rest of the way. “Hey, isn’t there supposed to be a lock on this? Anyway, I want him dead.”

”That’s rude, Tyler man. I ain’t killing your kid,” Ross as he moved back, waiting for some fist to come flying into his jaw.

”If you don’t, I’ll make your life a living hell in here. Still doing them drugs?” Tyler looked down at Ross’s toes. White liquid began seeping through new, infected holes between his toes. It burned but the feeling of intense pleasure rooted itself in his head.

”No, no man. I haven’t done that in so long. I can’t shoot up in here. Got it?” Ross laid back as the drug began to flow through his veins.

“I’ll keep you addicted for so long you’ll want it to kill you, man. I’ll burn you up, too!” A small flame erupted on Ross’s feet and he screamed.

”OK OK I’ll do whatever you say. Make it stop! Please just make it all stop!”

”If you don’t do it, Ross, I’ll keep you in burning hell forever so doped half the time and in pain, you’ll need your drugs the rest of the time. You won’t know one day from the next and I’ll make sure they keep you alive and you never die.”

”Shit! I’ll do it, get it off me!” Ross slapped at the burning flames on his hands and feet.

The smell of burning flesh evaporated with the flames and the holes between Ross’s toes closed up. “You got all these powers, why don’t you do kill the boy?”

”It’s called control, fuck up. They catch me, I don’t know what will happen. Maybe I’ll end up in Hell this time. They catch you and you get the chair or here in California probably sit on Death Row for 30 years. Maybe they’ll fill you up with so many drugs you’ll be a vegetable. So be careful. Don’t get caught. You do it right, I can use you for other jobs because you and I, we’ll be free from hell.”

Tyler released the rest of the straight jacket and Ross shook his arms and rubbed them vigorously. “That thing kind of numbs you, you know? I had been in it for hours. They’re not supposed to use them now except when they think you’re going to hurt yourself getting out of the wrist straps, but that dumb bitch of a so-called nurse got mad when I grabbed her ass. I couldn’t help it, she was putting it in my face when shooting me up with whatever drug cocktail of the day they use. She’s evil and no one cares she puts that on me. No one. The State will. Just wait until I complain about that old bitch.”

”Yeah, yeah. You’re in here because you fucked up. Can’t keep those hands off of women. Do what I say and you’ll have all the bitches and whores you want.”

”Now we’re talkin’” Ross said as he wobbled on his stiff legs, stretching them in one direction or another.

The two ghostly visitors slipped under the door as Ross watched in amazement. Tyler floated to one of the sleeping guards and took his human form before removing the keys off of the silver heavy duty bolt snap buckle. He closed his eyes and tried to morph into the mist, but after a few tries realized it was the keys stopping him. “Better practice that tomorrow,” he mumbled under his breath and walked back to the door.

The bolt clicked open and the door swung wide open when Ross walked out of his cell.

”You better shut up or you’re going right back in. Hold these,” Tyler shoved the keys into Ross’s hand and changed back into a puff of air.

”You have to teach me that,” Ross said and headed off toward Joey’s room.


After trying about 10 keys, Ross finally heard the lock on the door click. He quietly stepped inside and realized there was nothing to hit this boy with. He studied the boy’s face for a moment. The last time he saw Joey, the boy was shooting basketball hoops by himself out on the grounds. No one liked the kid, really. He refused to follow that strange blind guy everyone kneels to but neither did Ross. Maybe the kid wasn’t so bad.

“Shit, I dunno, Tyler. He’s just a kid.”

His toes began to ache again and the need for heroin returned. Sweat beaded across his brow and his stomach cramped with need. “Damn it, I’ll do it!” Ross doubled up his fists above his head, ready to slam them down on the kid’s forehead when suddenly he heard a low growl from the corner of the room.

He turned around too quickly for his big body to balance and stumbled down to his knees to the ground. The gnashing of teeth tore at his skin, taking chunks out one snarl at a time.

“What the fuck?” Ross cried out.

The biting subsided but the low growl continued as something invisible and heavily stood over him, pinning him down with what felt like large, padded paws. Drool dripped into his mouth and on his cheeks.

Joey suddenly sat up, screaming something about a wolf. Nurses and doctors came running into the room to find Ross on the floor, shielding his face from nothing except for the bloodied scratches and bite marks up and down his arms. They rolled Ross onto his stomach and restrained him with zip ties, calling for a wheelchair to take him to a medic.

”What happened, Joey?” a nurse sat next to the boy and took his hand.

Joey’s face contorted into a smirk much like the one his dad made all of the years when picking up on women. “I’m not sure, baby, but why don’t we find out together?”

With a bit of disgust, the nurse stood up and looked down at the boy. “Don’t speak to me that way, Joey.”

”Joey? Joey’s my snot-nosed kid,” he said, slapping her on the ass.


Inside his head, Joey found the dark corner he frequented away from his cruel brother and father. He had no idea what kind of abuse they would come up with now, but this time he had a protector, a wolf, and no one was ever going to hurt him again.