The Vampire of Sandcastle


Matrimonial Instincts – A Dark Short Story About Marriage and the Honeymoon

a spooky bride ready for the altar.Matrimonial Instincts

She loves them to death, until death do they part!

All she ever wanted as she grew up was to get married as her mother prepared her for the vows of man and wife. She knew there was something special in the family that kept the family sacred so she kept herself pure until that very special night of love and commitment. It was a wonderful wedding with friends and family on both sides. No one would have guessed what would happen next, but in Sandcastle even marriage is horror!

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Coming Soon to the world of Sandcastle – Revenge Tastes Sweet

An image of a vampire ready to take revenge on those who wronged her many years ago.



Growing up shy and beautiful wasn’t easy and when it came to men, many of them were only after one thing. It was the fault of one ex-lover Phil who wronged her so badly she wanted to die but her will to live and the child she carried were worth more to her than his wicked ways. One night while searching for her soul, her life is taken from her. When she awakes from this freak accident, a whole new world opens up for her where she lives in the shadows of the city she once loved. Then one day, she sees his face again and all hell breaks loose.

To give him a taste of his own medicine, she brings Phil home and shows him what he had done to her as well as many others who had wronged her in life, and how she was there to seek revenge. She forces him to watch every single life she takes as she explains what happened to her.

There is only one other man who could calm her soul and free her mind, but was it too late for her? Only he could give her redemption for the crimes she committed to soothe her pain but will she see it before it is too late? Will she put him on her death list, too?

Find out what happens in this sordid tale of revenge and horror. The vengeful creature of the night will no doubt leave you thirsty for more blood as you dive deep into the world of Jules St. James.

Coming to Sandcastle, California soon on the podcast and on Amazon Kindle.

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A Short Horror Story: Two Tacos for a Buck

a simple bug turned her into a carnivore cannibal

Listen to my short story or read it on Kindle. Details below.

Two Tacos for a Buck
by Boo Rhodes

What is a businesswoman to do when her uncontrollable hunger causes her to do unthinkable things?

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