Revenge of the Vampire Queen

A live reading of a work in progress: Revenge of the Vampire Queen tonight at 6:00 PM Pacific.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel ๐Ÿ™‚

Come to the Livestream Tonight Where I’ll Read Sandcastle Horror Stories

Hello and Happy Saturday!

creepy demon in sandcastleTonight at 6:00 PM Pacific I’ll be reading a few stories out of the Sandcastle Horror, Volume I book live. If you’d like to get a copy of the ebook and read along, it can be purchased from Amazon right here. To listen and participate in the chat while I’m reading, visit click here for the YouTube link. I will read for about an hour to an hour and a half and then we’ll sit around the comfy fireplace in the Skull room at the Miller mansion and talk about whatever comes up.

I’ve been chasing my cats all day so I’m beat. They decided to open the screen door while I was working and that wasn’t cool. One is still missing but I’m sure he’ll turn up soon. It better not be during the livestream though. He’s such a character. They get out about three times a year. The last time I stayed up until 3 am waiting for him. I’m working the livestream and then moderating Creature Features on YouTube at 9:00 PM so he better be in before then.

I will be cutting down both the Creepypasta & Scary Stories show and the Sandcastle Horror to 1 episode per week each. The goal is to write more for Sandcastle. If you want to get prereleases and a commercial-free podcast, please consider joining my Patreon. It is greatly appreciated! Other ways to support the show are right here. Supporting the show helps me pay for web hosting and fees associated with props, gear, etc.

I’ll see you tonight!




Short Horror Fiction on Amazon Kindle

Hello my friends,

I’ve been adding my short horror stories to my Amazon Kindle page so you can download these stories to your device and read them while listening on the podcast. There are currently 14 titles listed on my Amazon author page and many more to come. Right now I’m adding all of the short stories I can but soon I’ll be telling longer Sandcastle and other horror stories on the podcast and on the Splatterday Nightmares stream. I will no longer be telling Creepypasta and Reddit stories due to lack of time and my desire to write.

Click here to visit my Amazon author page where you can buy my short stories and books. If you are a Kindle Unlimited member then you can download the stories for free and read them or right now they’re all available for just 99 cents a piece no matter if it is 13 pages or 300. The prices will remain at 99 cents until further notice.



Ten Terrifying Darknet Stories Written by Spooky Boo

a creeper from the dark web wearing a hoodie from the book darknet horror stories by spookyboorhodesDo you love horror and the creepy world of the Dark Web? I’ve taken my favorite stories that I’ve written about the Dark Net from my podcast Darknet Horror Stories which features chilling tales from the dark web and the deep web and put them together as a collection on Kindle, PDF, and EPUB format. These terrifying stories will keep you wondering if you ever want to visit the dark web for if you do, you might fall victim to a horrifying crypto scam or find a job that you’ll be dying to break free from!

Trilogy of Terror Tonight!

Get a signed copy of my book from Etsy!

There are New Stories from Last Week!

If you don’t get updates to the podcast, I posted up a few new creepypasta stories. As shown below. After this article. They are also posted to Patreon. If you would like a commercial free version of the podcast, please consider a Patreon subscription. It really does help keep the podcast going.

All merchant sales are on hold. Our current distributor is not fast enough. If you have pending orders that haven’t arrived yet, please let me know and I will send a list out to them. I will need to find a new merchant and find a new designer.

If you follow me on social media, please share the posts on Facebook or Twitter. It really does help. Thanks

Tonight (Saturday, 6:00 PM Pacific) I will be showing Trilogy of Terror on the YouTube channel. I’ve been showing movies on Saturdays and then chatting after. The stories are now just uploaded to the channel as keeping up with several live chats per week isn’t working out for me or my writing schedule. I’d love to see you on Saturday nights!

Enjoy your 2023 ๐Ÿ™‚

Totally New Story Demon of the Dark Web

Three Terrifying Campfire Tales of Monsters

Get a Scarier Membership on Patreon!

What’s a girl to do? Please subscribe to my Patreon page for a commercial-free version of my podcast starting at just $5 per month. Just give up one day of your daily addiction for your other addiction which is listening to me tell horror stories. haha. If you prefer commercials, listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, etc.

On Patreon you’ll get the text to the episodes I tell. You’ll also get access to the stories I write before they go live, a sticker or t-shirt, stories only available on Patreon that I can’t tell on YouTube, and possibly soon livestreams only available on Patreon pllus future fun stuff that only the fae know what comes next.

Patreon helps fund my expenditures on equipment, writing time, web hosting, a future studio I’ve been working on trying to get together for livestreams, and hopefully one day my writing and podcasting career. I would also love to pay authors for their hard work when I tell their stories but for now, I’m limited to the creepypastas and my own stories.

Sandcastle Horror Volume I by Boo Rhodes

From the dark corners of the Northern California coastline comes Sandacastle Horror where Heaven and Hell meet and humans are the hunted. As the sins of humankind grow so does the population of preternatural creatures, demons, cryptids, and spirits. In Sandcastle, it blends in together and until now, no one knew the difference. The creatures are tired of hiding and are now letting the Earth know of their existence, starting in Sandcastle.

This 300-page book is available in Kindle and paperback directly from amazon and soon at local stores. If you want a copy now, order one right here. The stories are also available on the popular Sandcastle Horror podcast where you can read along and listen to the voice of Spooky Boo Rhodes, the author of Sandcastle Horror.

Every year, the short horror stories of Sandcastle will be presented in a new anthology starting with this version, Volume I of Sandcastle Horror.

The Sandcastle Horror podcast is available on Audible, Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, iHEARTRadio, and other popular podcast platforms as well as a commercial-free version on Patreon.


Creepy Story About Ghosts and Spelunking


Creepy Neighbors in Sandcastle, California!

Hello, my friends. My website has been having problems lately and I apologize for the delay in emails. Did you miss me? I’ve missed you!

I believe it is all fixed now and if you are receiving this message then it should be. I do hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast. If you watch the youtube video you’ll see I’ve been working on a game for Sandcastle. It’s more of cosplay hangout place, but I think we might have fun there. If you would like to support the game and get special perks and merchandise related to the game, please consider starting a Patreon account and supporting Sandcastle at Accounts at the $5 level and above will get exclusive access.

If you do play Second Life, stop by and see what I’ve been doing. I only have two plots right now and I’m slowly adding fun things to do. In the future I hope to have a whole island (section) of my own with a layout of the whole town including a carnival area, the beach, the coffee shop and stores, along with all of the other Sandcastle places. I will be designing costumes for people to wear that will resemble the characters that people can either buy for the whole game or rent while on the island as well as fun party night. Each story will have its own area to enjoy the scenery and it will also be a living comic type of story where, when I tell the stories on YouTube, there will be animated action fun! There is so much I can do, but I also need the time and definitely need to get funding for it. The island is free for game players to visit.

I am excited to bring this all to you. It is really all made possible by the Patreon members and when you listen to the podcast. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!

Darknet Horror Story and Info on My New Darknet YouTube Channel

If you have children, be sure to review what they’re watching for even places like popular social media sites have horrifying content from truly terrible people. Listen to the new story below or on the normal sources. You will also see it later tonight on YouTube on my new DarkNet Horror Stories Channel. Subscribe to it if you like. Because of YouTube’s draconian policies, I will be putting these terrifying dark web stories on the new channel.

Click for the transcription.

Music is Phantom by Myuu.