Horror Stories: Two Tacos for a Buck by Boo Rhodes

A business woman with unsatiable hunger devours raw meat on the floor.I’ve written many scary stories before, but this one has to be one of my favorites. We all have that scary feeling of eating from a taco truck. I mean really, what kind of diseases and potential parasites and a simple trick with undercooked meat bring? It’s simple, and the horrors that await this young woman are some of the unthinkable. I guess it was her day to go a little crazy and lose her job and possibly her sanity.

Buy this story on Amazon or listen to it on the Horrors of Sandcast podcast available on your favorite podcast platform or YouTube.

Read more “Horror Stories: Two Tacos for a Buck by Boo Rhodes”

My Dark Web Camgirl Mistake

*Transcription from YouTube. This is an original work that was created without text. There will be a few of these and are a work in progress on this website. Enjoy the audio which also includes 2 other Dark Web Stories from Sandcastle.

From these 3 stories from the dark web of Sandcastle comes My Dark Web Camgirl Mistake.

what happens to outsiders of the dark
web newbies who have never experienced
the darkness of the deepest pits of the
web stay tuned and listen to one girl’s
story of her dark web cam girl
my darkweb cowgirl mistake when I was 18
I was pretty desperate to go to college
so I took all of the scholarships I
could get it still didn’t add up to what
I needed so I decided to be a webcam
girl I know weird but I asked a few of
the women that worked with the company
over email and they all said it paid
pretty damn well and honestly it would
be much better than shoving hamburgers
down the throats of the other college
kids I found the site through my friend
Katherine who was already working there
she always had really nice clothes and
very expensive handbags and shoes she
was in my economics class and was pretty
smart I figured I could trust her the
next day she brought me a USB stick with
the Windows app on it she told me to
just open it and then wait for it to
bring up a screen to connect to a server
and then gave me an IP address to type
in she also said that the password and
name were on the included text file just
fill out the form with my info and get
paid and I could get started right away
the first day I started it was really
weird I had never been naked in front of
a camera before and the guys were cool
about it they liked newbies I I guess it
was kind of virgin territory’ him my
chat room was flooded every night I
would show a little bit here and a
little bit there at times I felt
something like an auction cow because
the one who bid the most in the room was
the one who could talk to me then other
times it made me feel like a special
movie star because all of the men told
me how beautiful I was and called him
the high bids always brought in around
$600 per night but it started to get
really creepy when this one guy kept on
out bidding everybody the first night he
bid to stay in the room alone with me
and I made about $550 and only did was
chat it was kind of creepy because he
wore a masterful time and wouldn’t let
me see his face he said it was because
he didn’t want me to take pictures of
him and show us fine I wasn’t going to
anyway but I understood at the end of
the night he just smiled and asked me to
blow him a kiss I did I thought it was
cute the second night was about $600 and
my topless room so but I used to go
topless all the time at the lake it
really wasn’t an issue for the next week
we chatted topless talking about our day
and what happened it all seems so
innocent we learned a lot about each
other well he learned a lot about me I
told him about my classes and family he
told me about his working and family I
don’t know if I believe him or not but I
felt like we were getting really close
the next week though as he still wore
the mask he started making demands and
increasing the rate he was paying me
through tips since he was paying so much
every night and staying on the whole
time plus any tips I was gaining
see when I stay high on the chat for a
long time I did points and my points
were really high compared to the other
each chat would fill about a hundred
guys were slowly outbid by him the first
night of that week he paid $1200 for the
first chat I was floored and telling me
his demands now that I paid $1200 for
you you were going to do what I asked I
giggled and agreed he asked me to go
completely maybe for him I did then he
wanted me to dance I did that too they
may wanted me to call a stranger and
tell him that I want to do all kinds of
naughty things alone at first I
hesitated but he said to use star six
seven I guess on my bone and it couldn’t
be traced I did it I felt like a fool
but the guy on the phone kept talking
like we were having fun sex it was
really cool I was also given an extra
1,300 into my account the next few
nights were similar I did some things on
cam I wasn’t so proud of that I won’t go
into detail about here but since the
conversation was private no one would
ever know I banked about four thousand
dollars over the next few nights then he
offered me ten grand I couldn’t refuse
I thought he was going to do something
pretty normal and Tony brought in
another woman into his room with him she
was clothed in lingerie and tied up to
its share of the ball gag in her mouth
when I looked closer it was my friend
Catherine the woman had obviously been
crying because mascara was running down
her cheeks and she was just shaking her
head no the whole time tell me what’d
you do to her she left behind his mask
let her go I demanded wrong answer he
snarled his sceptre across the face
every time I don’t like your answer I
will hurt her more now tell me what to
do with her if he disconnect I will kill
her Catherine started screaming through
the ballgame trying to wiggle out of her
restraints the site had an emergency
button I could click on but I know he
would notice since the computer was
across the room I had to make an excuse
kisser while I take off my clothes I
wanted to be comfortable while I watch I
started to unbutton my blouse while he
turned around and pulled the mask up
over his mouth he started kissing her
while I reached forward and hit the
emergency button honestly I didn’t know
what the button did but I hoped it would
keep him on it didn’t the sight logged
me off and told me to wait for a phone
call I couldn’t believe what just
happened i sat there and waited for the
site manager to call while shaking and
trying to bend on my shirt I jumped off
my bed when the phone rang hello
you click the stop button this had
better be an emergency he had her in his
room he was going to kill her who my
last customer when I was pressing the
button then the unthinkable happened
I heard the muffled sobs as a woman in
the background and then an evil laugh
I feel like the room was spinning around
me it was him finally silence the
familiar voice that was normally
soothing and sexy on the other end of
the line crawled with ink you made your
choice then I heard a bit of wrestling
and the blood-curdling scream of a woman
who was in the chair when the screaming
stopped it sounded like he was kicking
something really hard every time he kept
there was a female sonic wrench and
silence it’s your fault you know I’m not
done with you yet the line went dead I
immediately called the police and
explained everything
when they loaded the website from the
USB stick all they could see was a
generic under-construction page I gave
them my cellphone to show them that
somebody had called me to my horror my
kaulos was completely erased and my
browser history was gone they even went
as far as calling my cell phone provider
and waited for their support department
to answer who ultimately said I hadn’t
taken any calls or text messages in days
except the one I made to them they
finished up the report and said there
was very little they could do is since I
had erased my phone I begged them to
understand that I did not erase my phone
but they just followed me home and a
black and white and left when I made it
to my apartment I didn’t turn on any of
the lights when I went inside but my
computer was on I started changing for
bed when I noticed the green can light
come on I smacked the webcam across the
room and it shattered against the wall
my phone rang at first I ignored it but
then I got a text message she is still
I stared at the screen on my phone for a
moment and wondered if I should just
play into the game the cops didn’t
believe me I didn’t know what to do then
he texted picture of me posing for the
webcam naked get back online I want to
play or I would kill him he texted again
reluctantly I opened the app he had sent
to me and logged in I said they’re
watching as he danced around her limp
body I could see she was still breathing
but barely I dialed 911 didn’t say
anything why aren’t you on cam he said
loudly into the mic I couldn’t answer as
my webcam was across the room in pieces
I didn’t know what to do
could I tag still on the phone with 911
you not on your cam [ __ ] he said loudly
and pulled catherine up by her hair I
could see that her eye was already
starting to turn black from the blows I
quickly grabbed my phone and text it
back I broke my webcam when you scared
me the first time lies lies lies he
shook his head and turned off the cam
did you get that I was spreading into
the 911 operator did you get that I
whispered into the phone to the 911
operator the voice on the other end
laughed it was him yes I did I hacked
your phone you were dumb enough to root
it for me when you installed our app
welcome to my Playland
the record button flashed on my phone
indicating that he was now using my
phone hand
I dropped it into the desk torn it
started ringing until the battery died
the next few days went by without
except Catherine never showed up for
class then the cops came to school and
started asking us questions when they
finally got to me I told them everything
they came back to my apartment with me
and took the dead phone he didn’t have a
chance to break into it again as it had
died it left all of his information as
well as the taxi had left the FBI
explained a bit about the web app I was
it was called tor tio our and led to
what was called the dark web
I still get threats sent to me by email
addresses in other countries my pictures
have been sent all over the web and
everybody knows about my mistake I’m an
outsider now they stripped my
scholarship and now I just worked for a
factory under a different name I hope he
never finds me he’s still out there and
no one can catch him this is spooky boo
if you enjoyed listening to the story
then subscribe to my youtube channel you
can also submit your own story to 7:07
spooky boo 22 calm I can’t wait to hear
from you

Mermaids of Mayhem

Trent couldn’t believe his eyes. He shut them, rubbed them, and then looked again. Lying right there in the middle of Moon Rock, a giant rock structure that sat right outside in the ocean to the west of Sandcastle, was a woman. A possibly naked woman. It looked as though she was bathing in the small pool of water that slowly evaporated when the tide was low and left a lot of beautiful seashells of creatures that washed in with the tide and got stuck there.

He readjusted his cap to protect his eyes from the light of the sun and headed the way of the rock. Most of the time people didn’t bother trying to climb the rock. For one, it was a dangerous climb, and then if you got stuck on the rock and the tide came in you could get swept out to sea. Of course, there was always the shortcut to the top of the rock, but no one ever dared use it after a group of kids got trapped inside the natural tunnel and drowned.

Trent didn’t care. He knew that after the high tide the night before, it would be low for the next few days. As a surfer, he followed the moon calendar so he could ride the waves or go surf fishing when the tide was low, which he had planned to do today until he noticed the naked woman on top of Moon Rock.

Standing by the trunk of his car, he changed into his wetsuit but left his board and fishing rod. He grabbed his underwater camera and headed off down the parking lot and down the trail on the side of the cliff. This area was a little cove off the main beach of Sandcastle. The State of California called it Ice Beach because of the endless amount of icicle plants that lined the hills but the residents called it Hunter’s Beach because of the great Moon Rock where hunters of sharks and fish would sit for days waiting for their prey.

He tiptoed into the cold surf then dog paddled to the side of the giant rock until he reached the point where the tunnel began. An almost immediate cold water pressure headache pierced his brain as he dove in and descended as quickly as he could swim to the opening of the tunnel. He turned on his underwater flashlight and swam inside. As he began to swim upward, something grabbed onto his foot. Thinking it might be a tangle of seaweed, he kicked at it and looked down because whatever his foot met with didn’t feel like the slimy texture of seaweed.

Puzzled, he stared at the face of a woman with blood pooling from her nose. She screamed something at him and then squeezed her nose shut while turning in the other direction. About out of breath, Trent figured he could go up for air and come back down but as he met the top of the water for a quick breath and looked down, she was gone. He shook his head thinking it might have been just an illusion caused by the lack of air in his brain and began to climb the inside of the big rock.

He grasped the edge of each protruding rock, praying that his grip would hold as he stepped onto the next step. He was never comfortable doing this as he knew a boy who broke his neck climbing this same structure. It was off-limits to the public for good reason, but he had to know more about this woman sitting on Moon Rock so he continued his climb. On the last step he grasped onto the rock on the top but it was covered in moss and sea slime. As he tried to firm his grip, his fingers slid. A million thoughts slipped into his mind and he felt himself fall backward knowing he would die on his way down or drown after breaking a limb but then, out of nowhere, a firm hand grasped his wrist and pulled him up out of the hole with amazing strength.

Trent forced his eyes open while trying to catch his breath he held for the scream that waited for the fateful fall. When he opened them, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen stood before him. With the sun glowing on her white skin, it looked almost translucent and grey. She stood there staring at him with her breasts covered in purple Gorgonian sea coral and a string of pearls attached to larger sea fans covering her lower extremities. She was, in all meaning of the word, perfect.

“Thank you,” he managed to say between breaths.

She just smiled and continued to lay back down in the sun. She wasn’t in the water pool as he thought she was. She picked a spot right outside of the natural pool and basked in the heat. The wind picked up and released her long white hair as it flowed around her body. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“I’m Trent,” he said as he sat down in the spot next to her. “What’s your name?”

She turned her head and looked at him. Her irises were white like pearls and without the almost lavender edge of the circle they would almost blend in with the whites of her eyes. He stared, mesmerized by her beauty, and then noticed under each breast she had three cuts along her ribcage on either side. He reached over to touch one and she slapped his hand away.

“Are you ok? Does it hurt?”

The woman laughed with a strange cackle and with every breath, the six lines in her flesh opened and closed like little mouths. She rolled over closer to him, running her fingers along his wetsuit looking more confused than he did.

“Ah, the wetsuit. You haven’t seen one before?” he said as he pulled down the zipper and peeled the rubber from his torso.

The woman jumped back a little then pressed her hand on his warm skin feeling his heartbeat. She then pulled the wetsuit off of his arms and upper body marveling at his chest and arms. He smiled when she pressed her lips on his neck and pulled back.

“Wait a minute. I don’t even know you, shouldn’t we at least know a little about each other first?” he laughed.

The woman rolled her eyes at him and seemed to pout, although he could barely tell with her full lips. She held up a finger and pointed at the water then shook her head no. With sad eyes, she looked down at her legs and feet then shrugged.

“You’re beautiful,” Trent said, pulling her up close to him. “There’s nothing wrong with your legs. And I love your clothes, they look like they’re almost made out of coral.”

“Ow!” he said, pulling back. Trent looked down and noticed new scratches across his chest that were beginning to ooze a little bit of blood. “Is your suit really made out of coral?”

As he examined the crustaceans lying across the woman’s breast, he noticed they were moving with her every move. He touched one, pulling on it just a little and she let out a small squeal of pain. When he pulled the shell off she cried out as it pulled off a little bit of her skin.

“Shit, I’m so sorry,” he said, shocked.

The woman shook her head in seeming disappointment and grabbed the coral from his hand then reattached it to her suit. It latched right back on and became a part of her breast once again. She inched closer to him as he slowly backed away but before he could protest, she sat on top of his hips and kissed him deeply.

Trent felt her tongue probe into his mouth and coughed at the foul taste of the ocean and stale fish. He pushed her off of his body sending her into the pool of water next to them then watched as her body began to shudder. Gray scales appeared on her perfect skin and over her parted legs that now seemed stitched together. Her feet flared out into a large, green feathery fin similar to the tail of a male betta tank fish.

Seemingly angry and even through the scales, still full of beauty, she pushed herself up with two strong arms and hissed at him. Trent crawled backward on all fours staring at her mouth filled with jagged teeth.

“What the fuck are you?” he screamed out, half aroused yet trembling in fear. He had a choice, to either jump off the edge into the shallow water where he might break a leg or his neck or run for the tunnel and pray he didn’t fall. He chose the latter. With his wetsuit hanging off of his torso, he ran for the tunnel but was flung back when she grabbed onto the swinging rubber arm and pulled.

He stumbled backward and fell next to the woman. She held her finger up to his lips and made a hush sound. She licked the wounds on his chest then looked at him with big, sad eyes. Shaking her head, she dove back into the ocean where he watched her swim away.

Later that night, after sitting on Moon Rock for hours too scared to even move, Trent made it home to his beach house. Since he was a lifeguard on the beach, he owned one of the only homes allowed down at the water level. It was more of a shack than anything as it could be destroyed at any time if they ever had a tsunami caused by a large earthquake, which, surprisingly has never happened. The high tide just barely reached the bottom of the shack due to its stilts buried deep into the sand but on most nights, it was safe.

Trent collapsed on his bed after tossing his wetsuit into the bathroom. He still wasn’t sure if it wasn’t a dream he had while sitting on the rock. Perhaps he had fallen asleep in the sun after the long climb in the tunnel to the top of Moon Rock. But then the scratches were still there and now they were hurting more than before. He squeezed at the scabs releasing some water, pus, and blood.

“Yuck,” he said as he got up and made it to the bathroom. The first aid kit was hanging right where it should be. As a lifeguard, he knew to make everything easily accessible in case of an emergency which this moment he considered high on his list of disasters. He held the urge to scream as he dabbed the alcohol and then peroxide along the oozing wound. Then he applied antibiotic ointment and covered the scratches with a large piece of adhesive and gauze.

As Trent hadn’t eaten for hours since his light breakfast of Cornflakes, he was starving. He absently called up his favorite Mexican place where Petra answered.

“Hey Trent, what can I get for you?”

“What are you freaking psychic, Petra?”

“No, I just know your number you order so much food. Is it the usual tonight? Carne Asada with a huge super burrito?”

A little shocked at himself, Trent declined the offer. “No, no. I’m craving something different tonight, Petra. How about a double order of fish tacos and shrimp quesadillas? With a pitcher of margaritas?”

“Hot date tonight?” she laughed into the phone.

“No, I’m just really hungry. Unless you’d like to have dinner with me?” Not only was Trent extremely hungry, but his hormones were off the charts. Petra wasn’t really his type but after what he dreamed about earlier he seriously thought about changing his love of blondes.

“Oh Trent, you know my husband wouldn’t like me dating some hot young stud half my age, right? We’ll have it ready for you soon. Say half an hour?”

“That would be great. You’re wonderful, Petra. Put it on the city’s tab, would you?”

“Of course,” she said and hung up.

30 minutes later, while Trent waited for his food, he also wondered why he felt so ill. How anyone could feel so hungry and yet ache so bad in the gut baffled him. He figured it was just because of how hungry he was. His vision had blurred as well. Everything looked fuzzy around him. Perhaps there was some kind of toxin in whatever had scratched him. He went back into the bathroom and removed the homemade patch from his wound. It looked like it was healing faster than he predicted but wait, no! Upon a closer look, the scab looked like scales.

He peeled off a piece of the scab and inspected it with his blurred vision. It was gray and green with a bit of iridescence. He began to peel another one off, but this one was attached better to his skin than the last. With a grunt of pain, he yanked off the strange scab and held it up to the light. Fresh blood dripped from the part of the scale that was in the wound and it too looked like a large scale from a fish.

The scrapes all had these strange scale patterns around them. Could some kind of a strange creature be growing inside of the wound? As he picked at the rest of the scales, the pain became greater and bloodier. The crimson liquid dripped from the freshly opened wound, pooling on the ground between his feet into a small puddle of ocean water that dripped from his wetsuit. As he accidentally stepped in it, the liquid absorbed into a scrape he got on his big toe that happened climbing the tunnel. He felt a tingle up from his toes and throughout his leg and ultimately into his spinal cord and brain.

Trent screamed in pain as sprouts of scales began covering his backside, forcing their way through the veins around the spinal cord through the skin. As though someone drug a piece of glass under his pecks, he watched as three jagged slices appeared simultaneously under each side of his ribcage. Looking down in horror at his transforming body, he watched as scales popped out of places they didn’t belong.

He tried to take a step out of the bathroom but realized that his legs had fused together when he touched the water dripping from the wetsuit. Trent fell forward to the ground, crying out in pain as his face thudded against the floor. He tried to wiggle his toes and move his legs but they didn’t work as they once did. Instead, he pulled himself to his bed in the middle of the shack, hoping it was either all a very bad dream or that the lack of water would turn him back to some form of human.

With his strong arms built from lifeguard swimming exercises, he pulled himself into the bed and covered his legs with the blankets. Moments later as he dozed off, there was a knock at the door.

“Shit, the food!” he yelled and peered under the blanket noticing that his legs hadn’t changed back yet.

“Are you okay in there, Trent?” Petra knocked again.

“Yeah, come on in, the door is open,” he said as his stomach growled in pain.

Petra walked in and put the bag of tacos next to his bedside. “You look like shit, Trent. You’re green and God, your skin. What happened?”

“I’m just not feeling well, Petra. I think I’m coming down with something,” he said as he grabbed one of the tacos from the bag. Opening his mouth as wide as he could, he pushed the whole taco inside when he heard Petra scream.

“Your…your teeth,” Petra managed to let out as she began to walk backward toward the door.

Not able to stand up, Trent fell out of bed and began pulling himself on two arms toward the woman. She stared at him as the sheet fell from his waist, exposing a long fish-like tail with fins. Her fingers fumbled with the doorknob but it was covered in some kind of slimy film. The moment she was able to grasp the knob and turn it, it was too late. Blood squirted from her calf as Trent bit into her leg with rows of sharp, jagged teeth. Petra fell to the ground and kicked at the thing crawling toward her.

He tore into the muscle on her leg, ripping it to shreds while shaking his head like a shark. Blood splattered on his face and torso as he continued to gnaw on her thigh and hitting the femoral artery. When the rush of blood gushed into his mouth, he cried as he pulled himself away from her shaking body. She stared numbly at the wall as her life soaked into his shag rug.

Her body bounced as someone tried to push open the door behind Petra. Frozen in fear of who might have heard her scream, Trent didn’t move except to feel his face. He knew he was busted feeling the sticky warmth of human blood on his cheeks, chin, and inhuman teeth. Her body bounced once again then fell over to the right. In burst the strange woman from Moon Rock, walking on two human legs.

“You’re a very bad man!” she scolded Trent in what sounded like shrieks and whistles, but he could strangely understand everything she said.

“What are you?”

“I’m what you men call a mermaid. I was stupid for going on that rock, but I too was once human and miss the warmth of the sun basking on my legs and body. Come with me or you will die here.”

She picked him up with her inhuman strength and carried him to the beach as she walked into the water, she dropped him in. He watched as her legs transformed again and soon became one long fishtail like his. He wiggled his tail and began to swim after her and grabbed her when he caught up. At first, he wanted to strangle the mermaid for what she did to him, but her beautiful eyes under the water called to him.

Together they swam to the depths of the ocean.

Horror Stories | Hungry Little Mouths

A man bent on finding pirate treasure in Sandcastle discovers a new cryptid species and realizes there is fate worse than falling off a cliff.


This creepy little story can be found as a Kindle Unlimited book on Amazon. Click here to get it on Kindle Unlimited.

The cover of Hungry Little Mouths - a very short horror story about cryptid owls

Werewolves Abound!

Read more “Werewolves Abound!”

Horror Stories | Doll in the Hall

Scary Stories by Spooky Boo

Welcome to Scary Story Time with Spooky Boo. In tonight’s episode, we find the owner of Sandcastle’s Cravings Thrift Store has picked up an old doll that is just as haunted as any other item he sells. His girlfriend, who believes she is just having a bad trip, realizes the doll she has found in the hall isn’t just the old ratty toy from years ago. It’s evil and has an obsession for violence and blood.

Enjoy on Apple Podcasts |ย Spotify | Patreon

Now let’s begin.

Read more “Horror Stories | Doll in the Hall”

Horror Stories | Sometimes It Screams

This story is a special edition available on Stereo Dread hosted by Dezombified. Be sure to subscribe when listening!

Looking back at when I lived in Sandcastle, California I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t frightened. I had moved there when my parents died in a horrible freak car accident on the way to visit my grandparents in Sandcastle. I wasn’t with them at the time and had I been I wouldn’t be here today.

Before my parents had died, they used to laugh about how they escaped Sandcastle and moved on to better things. My dad took a job at a computer company in San Jose in the 80s when he was 18 and my mom, who was only 17 at the time, followed him. I guess they got lucky because he quickly became the CEO of this huge company and life was nice for all of us. Mom didn’t have to work and I went to a local private school which was really hard to get into.

I had never been to Sandcastle to visit my extended family. My parents told me they never wanted to go back there because it was an evil place. Bad things happened there. They wouldn’t even bring me to visit or meet my grandparents on either side. They weren’t superstitious or anything, they just hated it in the old beach town. Many of their friends died while they were growing up–too many for such a small area it seemed–and as the people died, more people showed up. It was like a quota had to be filled and released. With every death, a new life was born or new faces moved in.

Then it happened. My maternal grandmother passed away. Mom was in shambles. She still loved her mother, but after her friend Sandy died she never wanted to go back. Ever. The accident was still vivid in her mind. It was Homecoming 1984. Sandy was supposed to be the homecoming queen, but she didn’t show up for the football float. They continued anyway and the homecoming king stood next to the empty throne until the screaming in the stands started. There was Sandy, dragging on the back of the homecoming float with a rope around her neck.

The tires of the small truck had already smashed part of her face. The drivers of the float claimed they thought she was the speed bump until they actually went over the real one. It was hard to see with all of the mascot feathers and paper decoration around the window of the truck. They kept on driving until they heard the crowd screaming stop.

Sandy’s head caved in with brain matter stuck to the tires, but there was still enough left of her chin and head to keep the rope intact as the pulled the body across the track around the football field. Tom, the homecoming king, noticed the blood first then looked down at the float and rope until he saw the body of his queen. His scream started first until he involuntarily let out all of the delicious steak dinner and too much beer they consumed at the local Sandcastle steak house for the homecoming dinner.

That was the story my grandmother wrote to me. Mom found the letter and burnt it in the fireplace. She told me I was never to speak to my grandmother again. I admit, it was a really insane story for a person to send to their granddaughter, but she said it was for my own good to know the dangers of the town if I ever cared to visit. What I didn’t get is why my grandmother made it so explicit and gory. Until now.

I got the call at 3 in the morning. The local police had called me and said my parents were in a terrible accident and someone would come to my house and bring me to my grandparents’ house in Sandcastle if I had nowhere else to go. I found that odd the police station would send someone, but I really had no choice as a minor. I was only 13 at the time and couldn’t stay by myself by choice. It was either that or go spend some time in a foster home in San Jose which I wasn’t about to do.

My grandfather had prepared a bedroom for me. He was still in shock at the loss of his wife and was very sullen. He just showed me to my room without a word and then went straight to bed. The house seemed as old as the town. It bordered the forest and a small river. I didn’t like that my new bedroom window faced the woods as it was dark and sometimes I swear there were noises and I felt like there were many eyes upon me as I slept. Sometimes, late in the night, a dim light would cast a glow in the trees. I had no idea what the glow was and decided to explore in the daylight.

Sporting a pair of ripped jeans and tennis shoes, I figured it was perfect for the trek out to wherever the light had started glowing in the trees. As I walked deeper into the forest, I could hear the old redwood trees calling to me. These large trunks were old with centuries of stories to tell and I would be willing to listen if they could just speak in my language. I imagined they could and actually heard them whispering. “Come this way,” they seemed to beckon.

I finally arrived at a lake and the voices of the trees stopped. This must be where they wanted me to travel. There, right in front of me, was an old bloodstained tree stump. A chill ran up my spine as I heard laughter rustle through the leaves of the redwoods.

“Go away! Go home.” A woman’s voice spoke from the lake. I walked closer to the shore where I could see the water faintly glowing below.

“She will kill you or find someone who will. Maybe even me,” the voice continued, closer.

I whipped around to find a young woman with long red hair standing before me. She was naked except for the stains of blood draining down from the deep cut on her neck. Tears were running down her cheeks as she covered her breasts and hips with her arms.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“Leave this place, or you will die. Don’t let my father find you.”

“Who are you?” I managed. My throat felt like it was closing up.

A curdled screamed came from her gaping mouth as her head fell off her body. Blood spurted high in the air from the veins on her neck–some of it landing on my arms and face. I forced my eyes shut and then wiped my cheek with my fingertips finding fresh crimson blood around my mouth and lips.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the blood all over my hands and body then her head lying there before me. LEAVE! It screamed and I ran all the way home to my grandfather’s house until I reached the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror, there was no blood anywhere. Not a single drop, but I know what I saw and my grandfather confirmed it with his words.

“Stay out of those cursed woods,” he grunted as he brought me a glass of ice water. “It will do you no good to go there.”

That was 30 years ago and I have never been back to the woods. The town of Sandcastle, the place where I live, is haunted. I’ve been warned by many forces that I can never leave or I will just be replaced by someone else. My parents left me a lot of money. I bought an AM radio station KSND we call “The Sound of the Sea” where I’m the night DJ so I can look over the woods and make sure nothing is out to get me. Sometimes it glows, and sometimes it screams.

Johnny Piers

Johnny Piers was born on October 16, 1959 in his mother’s car on the way home to Sandcastle from Santa Rosa, California. From there, his parents Bob Piers and Julia Piers weren’t the best parents in the world. Bob suffered from alcoholism and Julia dealt with it by dating other men.

Johnny always felt that he was an outcast and his parents depressed him greatly. He found comfort by falling in love only to have his girlfriend Debra Schuster disappear.

Stories about Johnny Piers:

The Voices in Johnn’s Head

Golden Gate Jumper – The second story in this trilogy of ghost stories.

The Voices in Johnny Piers’ Head

Read more “The Voices in Johnny Piers’ Head”

Timmy Staton

Timmy Staton is a boy living in Sandcastle, California. For an eleven-year-old boy, he was a very good baseball player. Everyone expected him to play in middle school and then high school until that fateful day he disappeared along with his friends.

Stories About Timmy Staton
