Timmy Staton

Timmy Staton is a boy living in Sandcastle, California. For an eleven-year-old boy, he was a very good baseball player. Everyone expected him to play in middle school and then high school until that fateful day he disappeared along with his friends.

Stories About Timmy Staton



Johnny Piers

Johnny Piers was born on October 16, 1959 in his mother’s car on the way home to Sandcastle from Santa Rosa, California. From there, his parents Bob Piers and Julia Piers weren’t the best parents in the world. Bob suffered from alcoholism and Julia dealt with it by dating other men.

Johnny always felt that he was an outcast and his parents depressed him greatly. He found comfort by falling in love only to have his girlfriend Debra Schuster disappear.

Stories about Johnny Piers:

The Voices in Johnn’s Head

Golden Gate Jumper – The second story in this trilogy of ghost stories.