Just a little dark fantasy horror revenge plot romance I’m working on.
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Just a little tidbit of what I’m working on…
Just a little tidbit of what I’m working on…
It’s kind of a dark fantasy horror revenge plot and yes has a bit of romance in it. Doesn’t everything? Unedited and fresh…
Officer Statton studied his surroundings in more shock than anything. The moment he stepped out of the car he knew something was horribly wrong. On instinct, he pulled his gun from the holster before stepping away from the car. Although the moon was full and the sky was clear, the fog circled his ankles as he stepped closer to the crime scene called in by a random passerby. Someone from an anonymous number had called it in. A woman, who chose to remain nameless. The emergency dispatch wasn’t even sure of her location as she disconnected too soon.
“Windsor Trail Road,” was all she said then hung up the dispatcher told Statton. “Windsor Trail Road is pretty long,” Statton thought out loud but the moment he came upon the scene, he knew he was in the right place. He almost missed the crime scene as a woman wearing all black, perhaps the one who called in the murder was kneeling next to a body. Pressing lightly on the brakes, he pulled over in front of the bodies and turned on his spotlight.
In the past, he had seen some pretty gruesome scenes but this one was the worst. It was something out of the horror movies his son loved to watch. He cautiously stepped over to where the first body lay.
On the ground in front of him, a woman, probably in her early 20s, with long black hair wearing a black leather jacket and jeans hunched over a man’s body. With one pale hand adorned with long thin fingers and dark purple nail polish, she held his hand. A pool of blood formed under his back from what looked like either a gunshot or knife wound to his abdomen. Most likely a bullet went through the body which may or may not be a good thing depending on where he was hit but the stomach was never good. From a glance, he couldn’t tell if the man on the ground in front of him was dead or alive, but with the amount of blood under the body he was probably deceased.
On the other side was another man’s body, the head severed in two, with the left blue eye still attached staring at him and the other still attached to the other side of the brain. The slice was so perfect the brain was still intact on either piece of skull, the slice being from left to right at a downward angle right through the top of the left side of his head above the eye socket down to the right side under the right ear. Blood and brain fluid oozed out from the sinuses and the brain, but the brain matter stayed in place. A katana lays on the ground next to the body.
“Ma’am, are you all right?” he asked as he cautiously eyed the woman. Keeping his eyes on her and his weapon ready in his right hand, he pressed his fingers against the man’s neck with the left and felt no pulse although he swore the dead man’s chest moved.
The woman, with her face covered by her long black hair, waited for a moment before replying. “I killed him,” she said without looking at the officer. He stood straight up then stepped back and raised his gun. “Get your hands in the air where I can see them.”
“I don’t want to leave him,” she said through tears, looking up at the officer. Black mascara drizzled down her cheeks and blood stained her lips and chin.
Was that even mascara? He studied her deathly pale face and the black veins protruding from her skin. Her gray cheeks were hollow if not skeletal. The blood around her lips was the only color on her face except for the dark crimson rings around her irises that were barely noticeable within the glow of the flashlight. She dropped her stare back down the man before her. Whatever drugs this woman enjoyed didn’t agree with her. It had to be drugs. She seemed docile enough now, but what must have happened earlier was something only an insane person or someone abusing certain substances could pull off alone. Either she had an accomplice or she was simply nuts. The katana lying on the ground might be sharp, but it would take a lot of strength to sever a head in two. She looked like death and certainly wasn’t strong enough to cut through bone.
“I need you to lie on the ground, face down, ma’am. With your hands behind your back. Now,” he said in a calm but firm tone.
She did as she was told, never taking her eyes from the dead man before her.
“It no longer matters,” she whispered, looking at the first signs of twilight and then back at the dead man.
She didn’t fight when he put the cuffs around her wrists. She didn’t argue when he read her rights. She simply followed when he put her in the back of his car and locked her inside.
Still a bit on edge, Officer Statton stared at the dead men lying on the ground before him. He reached into the police cruiser and grabbed the mic from the radio. Pressing the lever down on the mic and with his voice shaking he said, “I need a crime scene crew here, back up, an ambulance, and a death car, and whatever else you can bring.”
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